Monday 16 September 2013

snap happy

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

I learned last night that the Biblical phrase 'the apple of the eye' is also translated from the Hebrew as 'the little man in the eye'-the idea being that your eyes reflect what you see literally and psychologically, that they truly are the window to the soul. 

Because surely what we see is what we are looking for-hence Jesus's annoyance with the religious leaders of his time who looked for splinters in the eyes of others when they had planks in their own eyes: the blind trying to lead the blind.

Two conclusions-I'm going to have to be more careful about the T.V. I watch if its written on my face, and [I admit this is slightly tenuous and fanciful] my new camera must have a beautiful soul because it makes whatever I shoot beautiful-it brings out the best of whatever direction I point it in. 

Perhaps this is because its previous owner [my brother] used it for noble purposes-to capture, close up, the beauty of nature, the dust and drama of Afghanistan and, of course, the smiles of his fiancee, friends and family. At any rate, it is one of the best birthday presents ever and I greatly enjoyed  putting it through its paces on some of my creations-see photos above!

Merci, lil bro x


  1. Thanks Jeanbean- shot with a lumix gf1 if that means anything to camera buffs like you x
