Monday 14 January 2013

Vintage Valentine's Cards

Haven't taken your Christmas tree down yet? Keep up, it is only a month till Valentine's day! I've started making some extra special cards from 1940s music manuscripts, book covers, sweet wrappers, scrap cardboard, scarlet thread.....some are quite neutral and not at all girly, the hope being that your chosen sweetheart[s] might actually like the token itself as well as the sentiment behind it.

Sometimes bold and simple is the best approach!

Sign your name, if you dare....

'Never has the world stood still like this...'.
If he is old enough to remember these tunes, you probably shouldn't be considering him romantically!

'Was I meant to be the one to love you?'

Nice and girly to embarrass your brother
 [or to delight your sister]

And this is just the beginning-mwah ha ha. Looking forward to mounting these on Kraft card and seeing where the muse, and my mischief, take me....

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