Saturday 26 January 2013

A Purple Pride and Prejudice Vintage tea party....Papers For Kate

Kate, a wonderful American friend of mine, had a little New Year  splurge at Moth&Magpie, my Etsy shop, and she has kindly let me share our little collaboration. We decided to brainstorm using a blog, if you fancy seeing the design process!

Kate wanted a Pride and Prejudice theme, plus a vintage tea party vibe, with little purple highlights. In the end it sort of all blurred together!

Here are the finished papers....

'My dear Miss Bennett,
you must allow me to tell you
how ardently I admire and love you'
Vintage crochet, purple suede
and freshwater pearls...

The vintage tea party pages,
back-lit so the designs on both sides can be seen

Classical cameos

Mr Darcy's hat

Butterflies from victorian french love letters

The personal touch

Hand cut birds

More tea, Mr Collins?
Flowers, bows, butterflies,
pearls, lace and gems...

Purple prettiness

A personalised greeting
A cake is a cake,
but a cake on a cakestand...well!

Yours Sincerely


  1. Beyond excited! come up with worthy prose....

  2. You could get away with anything as long as your writing is pretty! Its all about the pen, in my opinion.
